
When embedding insurance verification into your application, you may want to evaluate whether a shared insurance policy meets your business’ requirements. Each supported Rule is an individual check evaluated against the Policy object to determine if the Policy meets a certain requirement or set of requirements.

For example, the policy-active Rule checks if the policy is currently active, evaluating to pass if the isActive field of the policy is true and fail if it is false. If isActive is null (not provided by the insurance carrier), this Rule will resolve to unknown.

Some Rules are more complex, providing additional insight not found on the Policy object. For example, the rental-covered-for-collision Rule provides guidance on whether a policy affords coverage for collision damage when an insured is driving a rental vehicle.

Some Rules require additional input to be evaluated. For example, the expiration-date-comparison Rule requires an input date to compare against the policy’s expiration date. For more details on the additional inputs that a Rule may require, refer to Supported Rules.

Each Rule evaluates to one of the following statuses:

passThe policy meets all requirements of the Rule
failThe policy does not meet all the requirements of the Rule
cautionThe policy only partially meets the requirements of the Rule or the Rule returns an inconclusive outcome.
unknownNot enough data was available to determine the outcome of the Rule

Requesting Evaluation Rules

You can request that a Policy be evaluated against a specified set of Rules through the Validate Policy endpoint. Each Rule you requested will be run, and you’ll receive a response with an overall status determination of either pass, fail, or caution.

  • pass means that the policy succeded in passing against all of the specified Rules.
  • fail means that one or more specified Rules evaluated to a status of fail.
  • caution means that one or more specified Rules evaluated to a status of caution. In most cases, it is recommended to complete a manual review of the policy.

The response also contains two other fields:

  • summary - An object containing the names of all Rules on the policy and their resolved statuses.
  • rules - An object containing the names of each Rules and their run details.
  "status": "pass",
  "summary": {
    "policy-active": "pass",
    "rental-covered-for-collision": "pass",
  "rules": {
      "status": "pass",
      "metadata": {...},
    "rental-covered-for-collision": {
      "status": "pass",
      "breakdown": {...},
      "metadata": {...}

Supported Rules

The Axle team is actively working on adding additional supported Rules. Please reach out with any suggestions!