Trigger Policy event
The Policy event will be sent to the webhookUri
specified when generating an Ignition token.
Refer to the Sandbox guide for more details.
Your secret API key. This will be shared with you during onboarding and should be considered sensitive - it’s a password after all! Your secret will be matched with your client ID to authenticate your requests.
Your client ID. This will be shared with you during onboarding.
The client ID of the destination client. This is optional and only used by platform clients. See the Axle for Platforms guide for more information.
The access token required for access to the requested Account. Returned as part of Exchange Token.
Path Parameters
The unique ID for the requested policy. Returned by Get Account for each Policy associated with the Account.
The Policy object fields you would like to change. For list of all possible fields refer to Policy
Type of insurance policy that the Policy object represents.
, motorcycle
, home
, condo
Insurance carrier that is the source for the Policy data.
Identifier of the policy, as specified by the insurance carrier.
Active status of the policy, as specified by the insurance carrier. If an Ignition session is completed with result manual
, this field will be undefined.
ISO 8601 timestamp of current term effective date of the policy, as specified by the insurance carrier.
ISO 8601 timestamp of current term expiration date of the policy, as specified by the insurance carrier.
Total policy premium, as specified by the insurance carrier. Note: only available for type=home
Primary address associated with the policy.
"addressLine1": "123 Fake St.",
"addressLine2": "Unit 456",
"city": "Atlanta",
"state": "Georgia",
"postalCode": "30315",
"country": "USA"
List of coverage types and levels offered by the policy.
"code": "BI",
"label": "Bodily Injury",
"limitPerPerson": 250000,
"limitPerAccident": 500000,
"property": "prp_uSdzLVpi8c76H7kl6AQ-F"
"code": "PD",
"label": "Property Damage",
"limitPerAccident": 100000,
"property": "prp_uSdzLVpi8c76H7kl6AQ-F"
"code": "COMP",
"label": "Comprehensive",
"deductible": 375,
"property": "prp_uSdzLVpi8c76H7kl6AQ-F"
"code": "COLL",
"label": "Collision",
"deductible": 375,
"property": "prp_uSdzLVpi8c76H7kl6AQ-F"
"code": "UMBI",
"label": "Uninsured Bodily Injury",
"limitPerPerson": 100000,
"limitPerAccident": 300000,
"property": "prp_uSdzLVpi8c76H7kl6AQ-F"
List of properties (such as a vehicle or dwelling) afforded coverage by the policy.
List of entities (such as an individuals or businesses) afforded direct coverage by the policy.
List of external parties with interest in the policy.
List of documents (such as declaration pages and policy agreements) associated with the policy.